Spoorthi G

Muruganantham is a pharma professional with a doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences. At the start of MHRI (Feb. 2022), he was having more than ten years of experience in medicinal plants research, international regulatory affairs, and business development. He has a decent knowledge in herbal dietary supplements, food supplements, Natural Health Products, and Complementary Medicines. He is proficient in scientifically assessing herbal ingredients for health, quality, and safety.

Is Mint the Green Gold with Potential Health Benefits?

Mint, classified under the genus Mentha, represents a captivating group of fragrant herbs within the Lamiaceae family. This diverse genus globally comprises more than 30 species, originating from Eurasia, North America, southern Africa, and Australia. With a history dating back centuries, mint has been naturalized in numerous regions and is an integral part of various […]

Is Mint the Green Gold with Potential Health Benefits? Read More »

Healthy Lifestyle, an Approach to Prevent Lifestyle Diseases

Lifestyle diseases Lifestyle diseases are chronic diseases caused by the way we live our life. Unhealthy lifestyles like smoking, uncontrolled drinking of alcohol, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity contribute to chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers, respiratory diseases, and diabetes. Chronic diseases are non-communicable diseases as they do not spread from one person to

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